Posts tagged Class Consciousness
Bourgeois Delusions and the Working Class University: Why Universities Should Hire Based on Seniority

On October 14, 2021, the workers at John Deere went on strike. While they had many demands, among them was the demand to halt the introduction of a two-tier pay and benefit system. Under such a system, existing workers would get to keep their existing rates of pay and benefits, but new hires would be brought in under a new tier, in which both their pay and benefits would be lower. On November 17, workers approved a new contract that had eliminated this tiered provision. And on this day, the John Deere workers demonstrated that they knew something that my colleagues in academia do not: a tiered employment system decimates the power of workers.

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Class Consciousness in the Time of COVID-19

Not that many of us need a reminder about American inequality, but a recent Axios-Ipsos survey found that: "Americans with less education and lower incomes [are] far more likely either to have to keep showing up at their workplaces — putting themselves at greater daily risk of infection — or more likely to have seen their work dry up." However, what is interesting is that the survey also found that: "Ironically, those with the most resources and the least exposure are significantly more likely to say their emotional health is taking a hit."

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